Manganese(II) Sulfate, Monohydrate
Specification Manganese(II) Sulfate Monohydrate Analytical reagent 500 G
CAS No.: 10034-96-5 Molecular Formula: MnSO₄.1H₂O Molecular Mass: 169.02
Description: Pink slightly efflorescent crystals or crystalline powder.
Clarity: Solution of 5 g in 50 ml wa ter is bright and clear.
Guarantee Analysis . . Assay ≥ 99.00 %
pH (5% Aqueous Solution) ≥ 3.50 5.85
Maximum Limits Of Impurities . .
Chlori de (Cl) <= 0.001% <= 0.001%
Cal cium (Ca) ≤ 0.004 % 0.001 %
Cop per(Cu) ≤ 0.001 % < 0.001 %
Iro n (Fe) ≤ 0.0015 % 0.0003 %
Lea d ( Pb) ≤ 0.001 % ≤ 0.001 %
Magne sium (Mg) ≤ 0.004 % < 0.001 %
Nic kel (Ni) ≤ 0.002 % ≤ 0.002 %
Pota ssium(K) ≤ 0.01 % < 0.01 %
Sodiu m (Na) ≤ 0.02 % < 0.01 %
Zin c (Zn) ≤ 0.01 % < 0.01 %
Substance Reducing Io dine <= 0.01% <= 0.01%
Substances Reducing Perm anganate <= 0.001% <= 0.001%
Insoluble Matter ≤ 0.01 % < 0.01 %
Oxidising Substance No Reaction No Reaction Material No.:
Taken from M0071 Batch No.: J045E21 Manufactured Date: 2021-May-02 Expiration Date: 2026-May-02
Unit Qty: ea
Availability: 6 in stock